Tradunia in Solidarity is a free service aimed at people and organizations with non-profit initiatives which add value to society and need to be communicated in other languages. No company or government body with the means to pay for the translation can take advantage of collaboration with Tradunia in Solidarity.
The beneficiary has to prove the need for the translation service, both from a material point of view (lack of resources to pay for a translation) and a strategic point of view (the text to be translated must have a practical end).
We collaborate with any association that promotes environmental awareness, gender equality, help to groups in need, free access to information, animal equality, citizen engagement, and any other project that adds value to society. However, the values promoted by these associations must be aligned with ours, so we reserve the right to deny collaboration to organizations we do not agree with, particularly those that promote any kind of violence or radicalism.
Additionally, we reserve the right to select the texts we consider appropriate for translation, duly informing the beneficiary.
The texts submitted for translation must be in their final form. We will not accept changes in the original text once it has been submitted.
The translation will comply with professional quality requirements. Nevertheless, given the voluntary and free nature of the service and the limited resources of Tradunia in Solidarity, both the completion of the translations and the delivery dates will depend on our availability.
The service is completely free of charge. Under no circumstance will Tradunia accept donations or payments for this service. Nevertheless, if the beneficiary so desires, it can make a direct payment to the voluntary translator.
The beneficiary must give credit in a clear and unambiguous way to the voluntary translator that produced the translation, and it will allow Tradunia Voluntarios to share the project as part of its portfolio.